What's your Royal Artifactual Guild Name?
Celebrate Ruby’s newest release, BULL MOON RISING, by joining a Royal Artifactual Guild! Which one fits you best? Find out by taking the quiz below!
Which color appeals to you most?

Pick one piece of jewelry to wear:

Choose one word:

Pick one type of magical artifact:

Which dessert is your favorite?

Choose one house:

Adopt a pet:

Pick a place to visit:

At a party you...

Choose your role:

Which word best describes your ideal partner:

What's Your Guild Name? A Royal Artifactual Guild Quiz
Your guild name is HAWK!
You are protective and will do anything to get the job done. You don't like to make unnecessary waves, but will stand with those doing the right thing.
Your guild name is SPARROW!
You are someone who loves to learn and you'll do what it takes to make sure those you love are taken care of. You're willing to hide pieces of yourself to complete your goals and try to see the positive in dark places.
Your guild name is CROW!
You are a collector and you like to see the beauty in life. You don't need to be the center of attention but love to be loved.
Your guild name is ROOSTER!
You are a leader and enjoy planning out adventures for others. You like a challenge but prefer to keep with traditions and love to highlight the hard work of those around you.
Your guild name is CHICKADEE!
You are someone who seeks information or adventure. You might be underestimated at times, but you're the first to dive into something new and love to meet new people.
Your guild name is HUMMINGBIRD!
You are observant and would love to spend the day on a beach. You love to see the wonder in things and won't turn down the opportunity to dance.
Your guild name is OSTRICH!
You are someone who values efficiency and prefers to observe social situations rather than join in. Having the power of invisibility is something you desire, but only for certain situations.
Your guild name is OWL!
You are wise and love to have a lively discussion with a small group. You can easily spend an entire evening socializing in your favorite tavern and are naturally drawn to healing others.
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